The month of January and Febuary brought decent bottom fishing for variuos snapper .Especially thr hog snapper. These tasty fish love the cooler waters during winter and thier table fare is arguably one of the best filets in the gulf. We should have good action with amberjacks, sharks king mackeral and numerous other migratory species in the next month . We are looking forward to a busy spring starting in March. with action getting better and better each week.
Even tho water temps are still higher than normal for September, we started to notice migrations of thread fin herring and juvinile baits schools working towards shore. Spanish mackeral have been found near the bait concentrations. All this action will eventually be closer to shore just in time for a kingfish migration soon to follow. We have started to catch cobias past few days as well . Another sign that fall is near. Expect better fishing each time a cool front passes thru the area. There is always some thing for us to target and make a day on the water enjoyable

This month of May , we sre still catching numerous nice sized kingfish. Since spring,the action has been great.
Amberjacks have been a foucus on some of our trips lately. numerous big fish have been landed daily. Check out our solial pages on website for updated pictures of all our great catches
As we enter Jun, add these species to the list for fun.... barracudas sharks Tarpon snapper grouper
We are knee deep into the hog snapper season. Numerous hogfish, lane snapper and mangos are making their anual appearance to our coastline this month. Gag grouper and red grouper are proteced, but make great catch n release photos for anglers. We have had numerous days of a banner fall kingfish run, adding to the menu of fun. If the weather warms back up for a stretch, they could very well apear around the holidays. The past 2 Decembers, we have expieremced a good late run of kingfish after a warming speell. Plenty of options for big fish, especially the amber jacks and sharks keeping us busy around the wrecks The list is endless. Lots of fun options folks,,,,,
January marks the openi...
Capt. David John Mistretta JAWSTOO PRO TEAM
Plenty of options for anglers wanting some summer time action. The wrecks offshore have been entertaining to say the least. Lots of catch and release action for anglers wanting that big fish expierence. Large sharks have been consistantly makng thier apearance for many anglers vactioning florida. We landed a 11 foot hammerhead this past week, which was a pretty cool experience. Large bull sharks and sand bar sharks have been thier pretty much daily, adding to the party, ready to eat a baited hook. Barracuda, amberjacks and other game fish tend to loiter around these wrecks , producing some BIG FISH EXPIERENCES. Its common to catch sharks weighi...
Its that time of year again. plenty of options during spring time. Big sharks, kingfish, mackeral bonito.The list is endless. Both my son cptain David John Mistretta and I are ready to show you what whats biting out there Kids are welcome we are a family orientated team and focus on kids having fun , catching fish, especially during spring break.

Capt Dave Mistretta father/son Pro team.
Captains Dave and David Mistretta Jawstoo father son Pro team located at ther Holiday inn on Indian Rocks Beach Florida 33774 slip 33

November and December 2022 brings us some great options. Kingfish season has started a little late due to warmer temps in our area. This can be a good thing , since it will keep their migration in our area all the way into December. We also have an open season for Gag Grouper until the end of the year. After that they will be closed until next fal, so now is the time to get in on all the action. Sharks renain popular with ur visiting guests as well. All different types have been cruising in mamny of the same areas as the kingfish and groupers.
Jawstoo has been docked for 4 decades on Indian Rocks beach Florida
We have lots to offer during therse heated months of summer. great fishing for all ages . we are family oreientated annd love taking kids fishing
With a name like JAWSTOO, Shark fishing is truly one of our specialties. Action remains strong near many of our sunken wrecks offshore. Goliath grouper dwell in the same underwater structures providing anglers with some gigantic sized fish, weighing up to 400 lbs
Our wreck fishing adventures are especially taylored to clients new to fishing. We also have barracuda and numerous other fish avail around these same wrecks as well.Teenagers and adults love catching big fish with teeth. ...
These two months can be lot of fun/ Its all about the weather. Fishing between cold fronts, when the winds and seas are calm, is key. Catch and release action has been great for Amberjacksa, goliath groupers, gag grouper, red snapper and many other reef fish.
There are options for gathering fillets available for clients to eat dinner. Hog snapper, gray snapper.(key West grunts) porgies , red grouper and a few others can be kept for the dinner table at this time.

YES!!!!!!! its kingfish time. We started catching nice fish this past week.As the cool fronts pass by, we will expierence larger migrations of these giant macks. Large blacktip sharks have also joined the party. we hope to have our gag grouper migrations move closer to shore as we enter the month of November/